Chapter 2576 A Tempting Cock On Vacation:>>Ep69
- Ron wanted to cum in the worst way, he had never needed an orgasm so badly, but......knowing that Pam could come out and catch them at any moment, and remembering her threat to tell his parents of his perversions, he just couldn't seem to free his mind of the fear and guilt cluttering his brain and effectively postponing his release. The sexy images of Pam kept giving way to one of her on the phone to his mother, coordinating a flight home to face his angry father, whose Southern Baptist beliefs would mean there would be a severe price to pay, not only for the sin of lust and engaging in premarital petting, but for the even more serious crime of embarrassing him and his position as Deacon of the church. Amy was giving him her best, not the teasing on and off again like so many times before, and yet, he just couldn't let go.
- His cock remained rock hard, even images of his self-righteous father couldn't interfere with his always present erection. He kept trying to push the negative consequences to the side, and after settling on the memories of Beth tormenting him at the beach, he finally began to feel the all too infrequent rumblings of a long awaited orgasm.
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